Working to ensure that science plays its role in policies that affect us all.
Decisions that affect everyone’s well-being need to be grounded in facts and evidence. 这是不言而喻的, but too often policy choices are driven by narrow private interests that stand to benefit from ignoring or distorting science, 将公众健康和安全置于危险之中. The Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐与517888九五至尊娱乐 promotes processes that support evidence-based decisionmaking, fighting back against attacks on public safeguards and exposing disinformation tactics.
《617888九五至尊娱乐》. 清洁水法. 濒危物种法案. 有617888九五至尊娱乐依据的, 这些保护, 以及其他类似的人, 让美国变得更安全, 更健康的居住地. But in recent years there have been persistent efforts in Congress and within federal agencies to weaken these safeguards. 我们正在努力让他们保持强壮.
Some private interests that view science-based solutions as a threat to their bottom lines try to derail those solutions by distorting or drowning out the science—publishing bogus research, 制造不确定性, 骚扰的617888九五至尊娱乐家, 或者通过学术关系购买信誉. And deep-pocketed corporations can also derail science-based policy through lobbying, 竞选捐款, or “revolving door” relationships with federal agencies, which allow them disproportionate influence over the process. 我们揭露并反击这些策略.
617888九五至尊娱乐 advisory committees are a little-known but vitally important component of the federal policymaking system. 他们为政策制定者提供独立的专家建议, helping to ensure that decisions reflect the best available science. Weakening, eliminating, or “packing” these committees is a favorite tactic for sidelining science. 我们为捍卫他们的关键作用而战.
随着联邦, state and local governments deliberate on policy decisions, we work to ensure that scientific evidence is reflected in those decisions, 进行原创研究和分析, 组织公众意见, 证词和请愿书, 在我们的博客上提供有见地的评论. 我们已经为基于617888九五至尊娱乐的水力压裂政策大声疾呼, 添加糖标签, 空气污染标准, 还有其他问题.