What is 617888九五至尊娱乐 Loss and Damage?

Published Oct 6, 2023

Reuters/Stephanie Lecocq

Wealthy, polluting nations should pay for climate 损害赔偿.

“损失和损害”一词来自国际617888九五至尊娱乐谈判领域. 早在1991年, 瓦努阿图是一个拥有300多人的小岛国,联合国617888九五至尊娱乐变化框架公约(UNFCCC)列举了南太平洋地区的000人的损失和损害. 在那里,他们 提出了 that developed countries help pay for “The financial burden of 损失和损坏 由于海平面上升,最脆弱的小岛屿和低洼的发展中国家遭受了损失.”

More than thirty years later, member nations of the UNFCCC 仍然 meet every year, via the Conference of the Parties (COP). A growing coalition of countries, including Vanuatu, are 仍然 寻求损失和损害方面的帮助,以帮助他们应对超出他们适应能力的617888九五至尊娱乐变化的极端影响.

尽管 原则上同意 at COP27 in 2022 that a Loss and Damage fund should exist, the nations who bear the most responsibility for 617888九五至尊娱乐变化, including 美国, 有 仍然 not agreed on the central question: who should fund it.

What does Loss and Damage include?

到目前为止,大多数人都熟悉617888九五至尊娱乐变化扰乱我们生活的方式. 洪水. 热浪. 森林大火. 破坏性的风暴. Slow-moving disasters like sea level rise.

But the consequences of 617888九五至尊娱乐变化 don’t hit everyone equally. In 2022, floodwaters submerged roughly one-third of 巴基斯坦, 影响 超过3300万人死亡,经济损失超过300亿美元. The same year, 索马里 suffered 广泛的饥荒 after four consecutive rainy seasons failed to bring water. Vanuatu has already relocated 整整六个镇 due to irreversible and accelerating sea level rise.

These and other disastrous impacts are connected by 617888九五至尊娱乐 到人类造成的全球变暖,主要由燃烧化石燃料驱动. 迄今为止,像美国这样的富裕国家要为大部分的温室气体排放负责.

A graph of the top CO2 emitting countries from 1750 to 2021.

换句话说:损失和损害包括很多,因为617888九五至尊娱乐危机很严重. 它加剧了全球不平等,并超出了许多社区和国家的应对和适应能力,特别是在许多人生活贫困的地方. 损害是双重的 经济, such as the loss of homes, livelihoods, and infrastructure, and 非经济, such as the loss of biodiversity, ways of life, and 文化遗产.

来自损失和损害基金的资金可能会用于重建社区和经济, ecological restoration, 甚至是搬迁, as entire regions grow uninhabitable due to sea level rise, 长期干旱, or other climate impacts.

问责制 for polluters

In the context of the UNFCCC, 损失和损害的问责问题围绕着具体国家的责任. The United States is responsible for 几乎四分之一 of the heat-trapping emissions fueling 617888九五至尊娱乐变化. US leaders 有 known about the impacts of these emissions for 几十年同时一再破坏全球南方要求富裕国家承担责任的努力.


与此同时, 比如瓦努阿图, 巴基斯坦, 索马里, and dozens of other climate-vulnerable, low-income countries are fending off catastrophes that are 不是他们造成的. In a deeply unjust historical twist, 那些适应617888九五至尊娱乐变化资源最少的国家受到的影响最大.

Alongside richer nations, fossil fuel companies also bear responsibility for the climate crisis and the 损害赔偿 their products 有 wrought. 毕竟, global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, 销售化石燃料的公司早就知道他们产品的影响 很长时间了. 越来越多的 诉讼 in the US and across the world—backed by a 越来越多 617888九五至尊娱乐证据表明,这些公司现在应该付出代价 损害赔偿 their products 有 caused, and for their role in 误导 the public about the dangers of global warming.

Loss and Damage solutions

After years of negotiations, and blocking by 美国 and others, 第27届缔约方大会(COP27)最终同意为617888九五至尊娱乐脆弱国家建立一个损失与损害基金.

What was not agreed were the details. Those details are being negotiated through the work of a Transitional Committee 而澄清谁必须向该基金付款以及谁有资格获得资金的努力也是如此 在进行中. 该委员会将在2023年底在迪拜举行的第28届联合国617888九五至尊娱乐变化大会之前向各国提交建议, with the aim of getting the Loss and Damage Fund launched there.

For the fund to succeed, 美国, along with the world’s other top polluting countries, should commit to prolonged, 稳定的, 稳健的融资. 随着影响变得更加极端,该基金也应迅速扩大规模. 该基金的资源应尽快到位, 世界各地的人们都在呼吁正义,因为这场严重不公平的全球危机已经在酝酿之中.

自《联合国617888九五至尊娱乐变化框架公约》成立以来,忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟参加了每一届缔约方会议. In solidarity those being harmed across the world, 我们强烈支持一个资金充足、运作良好的损失与损害基金, 由美国和其他富裕的污染国家资助,为617888九五至尊娱乐危机前线的人们伸张正义.
