Table of Contents
它们是世界上最危险的发明. Can we prevent them from being used again?
What we're facing
当美国在广岛投下第一颗原子弹时, the destruction was unlike anything experienced before. Tens of thousands of people died instantly. 一颗炸弹的闪光就把整个城市摧毁了.
nuclear weapons in the world's arsenals
Today, some 12,700 nuclear weapons remain in the world’s arsenals, 美国和俄罗斯拥有约90%的股份. 两国都在积极计划制造新武器, 引发21世纪的军备竞赛,增加核战争的风险.
与此同时,冷战时期许多最荒谬、最危险的核政策仍未改变. In the United States, 实际上,总统可以在不征求任何人意见的情况下下令发射核武器, starting a nuclear war.
这些政策和计划以非常现实的方式威胁着世界,它们需要改变. You can help.
Get involved
Preventing Nuclear War
What you can do:
Support electoral change
改变核武器政策的首要方法是改变控制他们的人. Make your voice heard; write and call your elected officials, participate in local meetings, and, above all, vote.
Fight complacency
对许多人来说,核武器是一个过去的问题. They shouldn’t be. 接受教育,分享信息,并鼓励你周围的人也这样做.
Get involved
We’re running a campaign on nuclear weapons. You can help.